Is there a way to automate importing application zip file
AgilePoint documentation (see link: Import an Application ( shows how to export your applications into a zip file and then import them into other instances of AgilePoint but this is a manual process. Is there an automated way to import the application zip file using a command line application or a rest api? Would like to make the process a part of our deployment process so deployment team isn't required to do a manual step.
Hi Tim,
You can make use of the Import App and Export App Activities under the AgilePointNX stencil, which supports
an automated way to import and export applications in process model.
Please refer below documentation for further details.
Thanks Vinutha. That helped me to get started. I have created the import application and I have tested it by creating a REST service call to CreateProcessInstance. I can see that I am able to successfully start it but it does not seem to be receiving the variables I am passing to it. Below is the JSON I am sending to the application. When I run the application I see that the errormessage is saying that the "Requested file does not exist". Also the eForm variables show that none of the variables are being received that I am passing below. Are you able to provide guidance?
"ProcessID": "8464005056BD247711DD1CB70F40E138","ProcessInstID": null,"blnStartImmediately": true,"Initiator": "mtest\\svc_test_AP_Service","ProcInstName": "{{$guid}}","SuperProcInstID": null,"WorkObjID": "{{$guid}}","Attributes": {"processFields": {"Content": [{"Name": "ApplicationID","Value": "846A005056BD020811DD0D031929989B"},{"Name": "ApplicationType","Value": "eForms"},{"Name": "ApplicationInternalName","Value": ""},{"Name": "ApplicationDisplayName","Value": "MMS Test Application"},{"Name": "Status","Value": "RELEASED"},{"Name": "CreatedBy","Value": "XXX\\XXXXXXXX"},{"Name": "CreatedDate","Value": "2022-07-26T12:50:52.557"}]}}}
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