Lookup issue which makes the browser not responding.



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    Harish Lakshmana

    Nicolas that screenshot is with URL appbulider/index which is for design time of lookup. So I think you are facing issue when you are trying to edit a lookup.

    Are you trying to edit the lookup from inside the eForm designer or directly from the lookup folders?

    Do you see any error messages in developer console?

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    Nicolas Lerione

    Hi Harish, Thanks by the answer. 

    You are sure. This issues happens when I try to edit a lookup. I´m trying to edit lookup from the eForm designer. 

    Unfortunately this error message is happening in developer console too. 

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    Harish Lakshmana

    Nicolas, can you report this to your AgilePoint contact person or support person through email or Support ticket.

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    Nicolas Lerione

    Harish, I will do this.Thank you so much!

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