Map to Schema for Rest API not working



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    Lucas Drege


    The issue is because the value is either too large or too small for the Data Entity field as it is currently configured.  Please go back to the field in Data Entity and change the configuration to allow for larger values.

    Let me know how this goes for you.


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    Leo Hsu

    it did not work for me

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    AgilePoint NX Support

    Can you share the screenshot of EventID column details from DateEntity ‘EventData'?

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    Leo Hsu

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    Leo Hsu

    I am trying to get the event id from eventbrite and the id is given as a string. I tried making the max length at 5 and it still doesnt work.

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    AgilePoint NX Support

    Max length of 1000 seems to be correct configuration for storing the Event ID '62229666608’. I gave a try now to set the same value '62229666608’ to a Data Entity column of length 1000 and worked.

    Can you elaborate on the process model design and configuration of the activities. It would help us to analyse more on the observation.

    Also, can you give a quick try to insert a record directly in the Data Entity with just the value for Event ID and confirm if that works?

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    Leo Hsu

    It does work when I insert a record directly in the Data Entity.

    The process-based app is triggered by e-forms. The first process is going through an eform, and it's just a dropdown list with event id being the first value and I just click submit so the next process can run. The next process is the rest api where i am using the GET action and I am 100% certain that the rest api is connected to eventbrite. When i go to 'Map to Schema' i make sure the 'id data from eventbrite is mapped to EventID_u, but for some reason it is not transferring eventbrite data to agilepoint

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    AgilePoint NX Support


    Thank you for the application and Data Entity structure over the emails. Our Team figured out the missing part, You Entity is designed to have 'Eventbrite Data' as primary key which means this value cannot be empty. For experimenting we connected the Event name text value to 'Eventbrite Data' and verified that Application and DataEntity design works together fine. I am attaching screenshots for you reference.



    Your DataEntity design has mandatory field due to Primary Key column.

    This column doesn't have a mapping and the values are getting in as empty.

    Mapped to event name for verifying.


    After publishing and testing, DataEntity has the record of your EventBrite data.

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    manoj jha


    Can you please explain to me how did you save REST data into the DataEntity? I have created a process flow where I have first mapped REST Data to my data entity using REST activity then I am using an eForm activity to display REST Data on the form. But my data is not being saved in the data entity, so I am stuck here.

    Please help me.



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