Structure of Excel Run-time/Design-time Template ? (e.g. in Read Excel Activity)



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    Loren Bratzler

    I too am interested in learning more about the Excel activities in AgilePoint. I tried to figure this out a while back and got nowhere.  The documentation for these activities leave a lot to be desired.  

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    Lucas Drege

    Hi Markus,

    Here are some high level steps to structure excel sheet in the Read Excel activity:

    Create 2 columns (vertical or horizontal, your choice).  1 is for the field name, and the other is the value to store in AgilePoint.  

    Go to Forumulas -> Define Name

    Create a field

    To associate the created field with the value field, select the value field and select the fieldname from the top left corner dropdown

    The error you are experiencing may be due to an error in the Excel sheet, but I would need more details to understand where the error is coming from.



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