Changing image based on dropdown list selection



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    Hi Dominic,

    You can achieve this by using rules exclusively for the dropdown control.

    For example, if your dropdown has two options (Option 1 and Option 2) corresponding to Image 1 and Image 2 controls, you can create three rules:

    • Rule 1: When the dropdown is set to Option 1, show Image 1 and hide Image 2.
    • Rule 2: When the dropdown is set to Option 2, show Image 2 and hide Image 1.
    • Rule 3: When the dropdown is empty, hide both Image 1 and Image 2.
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    New To Agilepoint User

    Good morning Dhanush.


    Thank you for your feedback.

    I played with the rules and was able to get the image to react when an option is selected from the dropdown list. I tried calling images that I've uploaded into the image's database (see below)

    But when I run the preview, the image changes with the error "Article Image is missing" (see below). How can I resolve this? I greatly appreciate any help.

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    Jason Wells


    Is this happening with both your images, or just the one?

    Also, here is more information regarding the image control:


    Jason Wells

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