how to prevent a rule from automatically triggering?



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    I'm able to build the rule to address all potential variations by using "Execute Rules Independently" and comprehensive set of rules. I think it meets the requirements.

    Just curious. Is it even possible to control the logic behind rule triggering when opening/saving a "Summary Columns" type subform by using custom JavaScript? 

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    Jason Wells


    By default rules shouldn't be triggering.

    A few suggestions:

    • Checking the form level rules to see if you have any rules triggering "on Form Load"

    • Checking any controls in the subform to see if they are triggering rules on form load.
    • Checking the console to see if any rules are triggering

    Additionally, when looking through some version patch notes, v8 introduces 

    Add new row within a subform can be configured whether to trigger rule execution." 

    Is this sort of configuration available in your current version?



    Jason Wells

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