How long can a user stay on a page and update data ?
I have an Eform given to users in order to update data to a database. For one of them,it doesn't work well, after looking at the issue, she spends a lot of time on the webpage before submitting the data. I was wondering how long we could stay on the webpage before the data can't be submit well ?
Thanks for the answer !
I have an eForm with 6 sections with roughly 80 fields per section. I generally need an hour to submit the form and have not run into issues. Are you facing any errors while submitting? Sharing screenshot with additional details would be beneficial for the forum members.
Julien if the task assigned to this user is in parallel with other automated actions or tasks to other users from same process instance then due to conflict in the data saved, the eForm will prevent the override of new data by old eform data by showing an error message. Is that the message shown during your issue ?
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