Format Date Email Macro
I am able to get a repeating table into an email using the below macro:
However, I am having issues getting the date to format using the below macro:
$FORMATDATETIME(${/pd:AP/pd:processFields/pd:EngSendEmailTrigger/pd:DateTime},M/d/yyyy h:mm)
Below is what I'm getting:
If anyone can advice on how to update the Format Date marco I'd greatly appreciate it!
Hi David,
Please make use of $XMLREPEATING2HTMLWITHFILTER() macro to get repeating form data in a table with DateTime column formatted. Syntax as below:
$XMLREPEATING2HTMLWITHFILTER(${/pd:AP/pd:formFields/pd:SubForm1_SubForm~},{TextBox3;TextBox4},{DateTime2,M/d/yyyy h:mm})
You can ignore {Textbox3;Textbox4} parameter if you do not want to filter any columns. For more information kindly go through the below documentation link:
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