Using a Drawing Control to Capture Signature on PDF Document?
I have looked through several old posts on this topic and I suspect that this may not be possible but I thought I would ask again to see if anything has changed.
The business wants us to create an eForm that has the ability to capture a signature using the Drawing control. They then want to create a PDF document at the end of the process that has the signature on it. Initial testing shows that the drawing control data is stored as base64 data:<br><br>
Is there any way to get this data into a Word template document with Merge Fields so that when we create a PDF from that Word template, the signature is shown on the PDF?
One older post from 4 years ago:
mentioned that Word Merge Fields can do images, but the image has to be saved in a file path. So maybe it would be possible to take the raw base64 data and save it as an image in a file somewhere? And then use that saved file to populate the Word image field?
Hi Loren,
Yes, it is possible to get data from Drawing control into a Word template document with Merge Fields only when you give "Image:" prefix in the Merge Field.
If you are using AgilePoint’s Drawing Control, no need to save that raw base64 data into a file, it will take data directly from the form control when you use the merge field with Image: prefix.
Please follow the below steps.
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