What is the equivalent REST API for "QueryArchivedProcInsts"
Hi Team,
As I am started using the REST API , I just wanted to know what is the equivalent REST API for "QueryArchivedProcInsts"?. I need to get achieved proc instances.
Official comment
Thanks for the response, Bindu. This is because AgilePoint provides a inbuilt mechanism for Archived Instances to be retrieved if the flag query=true in the Archive database node.
What you can do is,
- Navigate to netflow.cfg file, the Archive database node needs to be changed like below:
<archive vendor="MSSQLDatabase" query="true" connectingString="application name=AgilePoint Server Archive;connection lifetime=5;server=.;database=TestArchiveDB;trusted_Connection=yes" />
- You need to restart AP service, and also this configuration change needs to be made on all NLB Server nodes.
Kindly note that setting the query value to "true" in your Archive Database node is not a generic use case until and unless you would want to retrieve Archived Process Instances on a daily basis. The default value is false, as enabling this feature may affect both the Database and AgilePoint Server Performance, consequently impacting the overall AgilePoint performance.Behavior after adding query="true" in the node and restarting the services:
- This would enable the users to search Archived Process Instances via Manage Center.
- The system will check the workflow database first and if the result if not found, it would further proceed to check the Archive Database.
Best Practice:
Generally, the customers do not enable this flag, because they know the archived records wont be required on daily basis.
In case they really need to check the archived instances, they will do it using the APADM Command line tool to restore the process instances or an API that restore any particular process instance.
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Hi Varun Agasthya,
Thanks for your valuable answer.
But I want a REST API which can get the achieved instance, actually I don't want to restore the achieved instance. I just want to read the achieved instance.
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