Drop-Down list not populating retained data as intended
Having an issue with an eForm not populating data inherited from previous completed eForms. When a form is submitted and sent to the next user, the inherited drop-down item doesn't populate, instead displaying the first available option in the list. Weirder still is that when I'm testing this feature, everything appears selected as it had before, and I'm the only programmer for this system. This makes it really confusing when another super user uses the eForm and gets the next one, only for the drop-down lists to select the top option instead of inheriting the value. I've checked to make sure the value is saved properly in the Process, but just doesn't express itself in the form. Any recommendations for places to check to ensure this doesn't happen?
Make sure on the Advanced tab for the control that that Data Security Settings is set to "Persist"
Also make sure nothing else is changing the value, even just the casing (upper/lower case). I had an app that I inherited from someone else that had some JavaScript changing a lookup's value one time.
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