Add link for generated file
I have a process that generates several files as part of the process. Currently these generated files are in a folder that is also referenced in a document repository using the File System. I can attach these generated files to an email successfully. However, I would also like to have these available from a Task form (in a file upload control, hyperlink, etc.). These are not uploaded from the UI but are generated by an activity step in the process. Is there a way to add "links" to these files in the UI for subsequent Task Form activities so that users can view/download them?
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As part of v9.0 release, we have introduced the feature of Column Templating to the Data Grid Control. Form developers can create visual elements and include scenario specific content in the table such as graphs, icons, Hyperlinks to File Repositories and any other custom content that one can insert via HTML and JavaScript hence dynamically readjusting the static or dynamic data on the table.
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