CreateProcInst : The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
Hi Team,
I am getting "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request." with Status : "ProtocolError" while creating process using the below code.
Hi Prakash,
Try the below code.
public static string CreateProcInstEx(string PID, string PIID, string PIName, string workObjectID,
string superPIID, string initiator, string customID, IEnumerable<NameValue> attributes, bool startImmediately)
string url = $"{WebConfig.AppSettings[$"{WFConst.constAdminSettings}:{WFConst.constWorkflowUrl}"]}CreateProcInst";
#region Json Object
dynamic jsonRequestData = new ExpandoObject();
jsonRequestData.ProcessID = PID;
jsonRequestData.ProcessInstID = PIID;
jsonRequestData.ProcInstName = PIName;
jsonRequestData.WorkObjID = workObjectID;
jsonRequestData.WorkObjInfo = "";
jsonRequestData.SuperProcInstID = superPIID ?? "";
jsonRequestData.Initiator = initiator;
jsonRequestData.CustomID = customID;
jsonRequestData.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();
jsonRequestData.blnStartImmediately = startImmediately;
string _jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRequestData);
HTTPOperations ops = new HTTPOperations(domain, this.userName,password, appID, locale);
string respose = ops.POSTMethod(url, _jsonString);
string eventID = null;
Modification: The parameter attributes should be in array, but in that code attributes are sent as string .
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